Article information

1997 , Volume 2, ¹ 1, p.5-9

Ahmedjanov F.M., Krimskii V.G.

Frequency approach to the study of the dynamic properties of multidimensional systems containing interval parameters

Problems concerning to expanding of frequency approach for automation control systems (ACS) for objects withinterval parameters onto multydimensional case are considered. It is proven that for small dimensional ACS this problem can be reduced to analysis of equivalent onedimensional system (with the same interval characteristic polynomial). This allows to use well known methods and algorithms [1].

[full text]

Ahmedjanov Farit Maratovich
Office: Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Address: 450000, Russia, Ufa, 12, K.Marx st.

Krimskii V.G.
Address: Russia, Ufa, Ufa, 12, K.Marx st.

Bibliography link:
Ahmedjanov F.M., Krimskii V.G. Frequency approach to the study of the dynamic properties of multidimensional systems containing interval parameters // Computational technologies. 1997. V. 2. ¹ 1. P. 5-9
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