Article information

2003 , Volume 8, ¹ 3, p.119-129

Svetashkov A.A.

The variational methods for solving the boundary value problems of linear and nonlinear viscoelastic bodies

The variational methods for solving the boundary value problems for anisotropic linear viscoelastic and isotropic nonlinear bodies, an example for quasi-linear main theory are considered.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*74D05 Linear constitutive equations
74D10 Nonlinear constitutive equations
76M30 Variational methods

Keywords: positive definite, unequality, effective module, potential energy, estimates, hereditary operators, stress, stain, variational approach, viscoelasticity theory, boundary value problem

Svetashkov A A
Dr. , Senior Scientist
Position: Professor
Address: Russia, Tomsk
Phone Office: (3822) 52 94 88

Bibliography link:
Svetashkov A.A. The variational methods for solving the boundary value problems of linear and nonlinear viscoelastic bodies // Computational technologies. 2003. V. 8. ¹ 3. P. 119-129
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