Article information

2003 , Volume 8, Special issue, p.18-24

Abdibekov U.S., Ametov O., Smagulov S.S.

Numerical modeling of turbulent shear flow in curved channel

The paper is dedicated to simulation of three-dimensional turbulent flow in curvilinear canal with right transverse section. For full develop turbulent shear flow on the basis of equation of second order one point moments for movements enclosed by semi-empirical Kolmogorov-Roth’s hypothesis the expressions for moments of second order depending on average flow characteristics and functions taking into account curvature influence are obtained. On the basis of Reynolds’ equation by numerical method the problem of turbulent flow in curvilinear canal is solved with small curvature. Calculation results are compared with results of right numerical simulation.

Classificator Msc2000:
*76F10 Shear flows

Keywords: semi-empirical Kolmogorov-Roths hypothesis, Reynolds equation, rectangular cross-section

Abdibekov U S
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Chair
Address: Kazakhstan, Almatu

Ametov O
Address: Kazakhstan, Almatu

Smagulov Shaltai Smagulovich
Position: Professor
Address: 480012, Kazakhstan, Almatu
Phone Office: (3272) 675710

Bibliography link:
Abdibekov U.S., Ametov O., Smagulov S.S. Numerical modeling of turbulent shear flow in curved channel // Computational technologies. 2003. V. 8. Special issue. P. 18-24
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