Article information

2003 , Volume 8, ¹ 4, p.5-14

Akume D., Luderer B., Weber G.W.

Pricing and hedging of swaptions

The aim of this paper is to illustrate some techniques in pricing interest rate swaptions, where we discuss the valuation of swaptions following the modified Black model. Finally, we discuss risk parameters and hedging strategies as applicable to swaptions.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*91B24 Price theory and market structure
91B26 Market models (auctions, bargaining, bidding, selling, etc.)
91B28 Finance, portfolios, investment

Keywords: black model, interest rate swaps, risk parameters, trading strategy

Akume Daniel
Office: Computer Science Department, University of Buea, Cameroon
Address: Cameroon, Buea

Luderer Bernd
Office: Chemnits University of Technology
Address: Germany, Chemnitz

Weber GerhardW.
Office: Institute of Applied Mathematics, METU
Address: 64289, Turkey, Ankara

Bibliography link:
Akume D., Luderer B., Weber G.W. Pricing and hedging of swaptions // Computational technologies. 2003. V. 8. ¹ 4. P. 5-14
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