Article information

1997 , Volume 2, ¹ 2, p.84-87

Leontev D.D., Melnikova O.N., Sulakov R.V., Trofimov S.N.

Numerical modeling of stationary waves on the surface of the flow eroding the bottom and the banks of rivers in the period of high water

Numerical modeling of the waves on the surface of the flow of variable depth is carried out whose velocity varies with the stream. Modeling was performed by the method of fictitious domains in combination with the method of resultant approximation. The calculation methods were verified by comparing the results of the numerical solution of a linearized problem with linear boundary conditions with the known analytic solution and the data of the laboratory experiment.

[full text]

Leontev Denis Denis Vasilevich
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Institute of Automation and Control Processes Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 690041, Russia, Vladivostok, 5, Radio st
Phone Office: (423)232-0702
SPIN-code: 4726-6260

Melnikova O.N.
Address: 119899, Russia, Moscow, 5, Radio st

Sulakov R.V.
Address: 119899, Russia, Moscow, 5, Radio st

Trofimov Sergey Nicolaevich
Office: Kemerovo State University
Address: 650043, Russia, Kemerovo, Krasnaya Str., 6
Phone Office: (3842)-58-44-03

Bibliography link:
Leontev D.D., Melnikova O.N., Sulakov R.V., Trofimov S.N. Numerical modeling of stationary waves on the surface of the flow eroding the bottom and the banks of rivers in the period of high water // Computational technologies. 1997. V. 2. ¹ 2. P. 84-87
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