Article information

1997 , Volume 2, ¹ 2, p.88-93

Litvin E.N., Pokazeev K.V., Tuporshin V.N.

The use of field experiment for tasks of local tsunami zonation

The possibility of determination the rezonance freguency characteristics of the water area for evaluating the tsunami danger of the certain points is discussed, based on sea level variation data. The analysis of data, obtained in the Gulf of Kamchatka and at the shelf of Shikotan, are presented, which can be used for the tasks of local tsunami zonation.

[full text]

Litvin E.N.
Office: The Institute of Marine and Geophysics DVD RAS Ujno-Sachalinsk
Address: Russia, Ujno-Sachalinsk

Pokazeev K.V.
Office: Moscow State Academy of Applied Biotechnology
Address: 109316, Russia, Moscow, Talalichina str. 33

Tuporshin V.N.
Office: The Institute of Marine and Geophysics DVD RAS Ujno-Sachalinsk
Address: Russia, Ujno-Sachalinsk, Moscow, Talalichina str. 33

Bibliography link:
Litvin E.N., Pokazeev K.V., Tuporshin V.N. The use of field experiment for tasks of local tsunami zonation // Computational technologies. 1997. V. 2. ¹ 2. P. 88-93
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