Article information

2004 , Volume 9, ¹ 1, p.3-10

Nonlaopon K., Kananthai A.

On the generalized heat kernel

We study the equation

[Java Applet]

with the initial condition
[Java Applet]

for [Java Applet] [Java Applet] ] - n -dimensional Euclidean space. The operator [Java Applet] denotes the Laplace operator iterated k-times and defined by
[Java Applet]

where n - is the dimension of the Euclidean space [Java Applet]; , u(x,t) is an unknown function, (x, t) = [Java Applet]; f(x) - is the given generalized function, k is a nonnegative integer and c is a positive constant. We obtain the solution of such equation which is so called the generalized heat kernel if t is a time and x is a position. Moreover, such the generalized heat kernel has interesting properties and also related to the solution of heat equation.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*35K30 Initial value problems for higher-order, parabolic equations
35M20 PDE of composite type

Keywords: Fourier transform, convolution

Nonlaopon K
Office: Chiangmai University, Department of Mathematics, Thailand
Address: Thailand, Chiangmai

Kananthai A
Office: Chiangmai University
Address: Thailand, Chiangmai

Bibliography link:
Nonlaopon K., Kananthai A. On the generalized heat kernel // Computational technologies. 2004. V. 9. ¹ 1. P. 3-10
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