Article information

2004 , Volume 9, ¹ 2, p.67-81

Olemskoy I.V.

The Runge --- Kutta-type method for the integration of special systems and differential equations of the second order

An explicit one-step method for the numerical integration of a special type of ordinary differential equations is considered. Some statements on the relation between the order of method and the number of stages are proved. Economical numerical schemes up to the fourth order of accuracy are constructed for the integration of systems and equations of the second order.

[full text] Classificator Msc2000:
*34A34 Nonlinear equations and systems, general
65L05 Initial value problems
65L06 Multistep, Runge-Kutta and extrapolation methods

Keywords: Cauchy problem, explicit one-step method, systems, second order equations

Olemskoy Igor Vladimirovich
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Address: 198330, Russia, St-Petersburg

Bibliography link:
Olemskoy I.V. The Runge --- Kutta-type method for the integration of special systems and differential equations of the second order // Computational technologies. 2004. V. 9. ¹ 2. P. 67-81
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