Article information

2004 , Volume 9, Special issue, p.82-89

Zhapbasbaev U.K., Ramazanova G.I.

Investigation of effect of depressant additives on hydraulic resistance and heat exchange in oil mixture flow

Results of investigation of the laws of hydrodynamic resistance and heat exchange using the data of experimental-industrial tests of depressant additives and the heat hydraulic calculation of the linear Kumkol - Karakoin section of the Kumkol - Chymkent main oil pipeline are presented. The empirical relations for hydraulic resistance and heat exchange coefficients of turbulent oil-mixture pipe flow with additives are obtained as the consequence of the generalization of test data.

Zhapbasbaev U K
Address: 480012, Kazakhstan, Almatu

Ramazanova G I
Address: 480012, Kazakhstan, Almatu

Bibliography link:
Zhapbasbaev U.K., Ramazanova G.I. Investigation of effect of depressant additives on hydraulic resistance and heat exchange in oil mixture flow // Computational technologies. 2004. V. 9. Special issue. P. 82-89
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