Article information

2005 , Volume 10, ¹ 1, p.71-89

Legalov A.I.

Functional language for creating of architectural independent parallel programs

A new functional parallel programming language is suggested. It supports evaluation and control of data flow without limitation of computer resources. Specific features of the computational model, syntax and semantics of the proposed language are considered. Possibilities of an application of the proposed language in portable parallel programming are described.

[full text]

Legalov Alexander Ivanovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Chair
Office: Siberian Federal University
Address: 660041, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, 79 Svobodny pr.

Bibliography link:
Legalov A.I. Functional language for creating of architectural independent parallel programs // Computational technologies. 2005. V. 10. ¹ 1. P. 71-89
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