Article information

2005 , Volume 10, ¹ 1, p.58-70

Kirichenko M.S., Panin S.V.

Development of adaptive algorithm for estimating informative efficiency of dynamic attributes for image processing and analysis

The purpose of this study is a development of an adaptive optimal self-learning system of image processing in the case of a small portion of a priori information on the state of the object underconsideration. We study the problem of selection of the optimal mathematical solutions for automatic analysis and image processing along with an estimation of informative efficiency with application to mesoscale plastic deformation and fracture processes. We have shown that the pattern of variation of strain development differential characteristic, being calculated by evaluation of a normalized value of the main plastic shear or by the integral characteristic of strain-induced surface relief, are qualitatively similar. Suggested algorithm can be applied to the analysis of dynamically varied processes and scenarios, object recognition systems in robotics, transport, navigation, medicine, microbiology etc.

[full text]

Kirichenko MarinaS.
Position: Student
Office: Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of SB RAS
Address: 634021, Russia, Tomsk, 2/1, Akademicheskii pr.
Phone Office: (3822) 28 69 04

Panin Sergey Viktorovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Head of Laboratory
Office: Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of SB RAS, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Address: 634021, Russia, Tomsk, 2/1, Akademicheskii pr.
Phone Office: (3822)286-904

Bibliography link:
Kirichenko M.S., Panin S.V. Development of adaptive algorithm for estimating informative efficiency of dynamic attributes for image processing and analysis // Computational technologies. 2005. V. 10. ¹ 1. P. 58-70
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