Article information

1997 , Volume 2, ¹ 5, p.46-56

Kvon V.I., Kvon D.V.

Numerical analysis of the mechanizm of the deep penetration of the surface waves of the lake-side over summer and spring thermobar

On the basis of a two-dimensional vertical model one of the possible hydrophysical mechanisms of the in-depth penetration of the surface waves in the vicinity of the spring summer thermobaric front, i.e. thermohalinic processes connected with higher mineralization of the lake-side waters that the water mineralization of the lake main part. The conducted numerical experiments show that a small difference in their mineralization may lead to a much deeper water penetration near the thermobaric front comparable with the observation data.

[full text]

Kvon Vissarion Ignatievich
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Morskoi Ave., 2
Phone Office: (3832) 356005

Kvon Dmitrii Vissarionovich
Office: Institute for Water and Environmetal Problems SB RAS
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Morskoi Ave. 2
Phone Office: (3832) 356005

Bibliography link:
Kvon V.I., Kvon D.V. Numerical analysis of the mechanizm of the deep penetration of the surface waves of the lake-side over summer and spring thermobar // Computational technologies. 1997. V. 2. ¹ 5. P. 46-56
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