Article information

2005 , Volume 10, Special issue, p.39-46

Postnova I.S., Yakovtchenko S.G., Dmitriev V.O.

GIS technology for estimation of low probability flooded areas during spring

A GIS technology for calculation of flooded areas which ignores the propagation of flood wave is presented in the paper. A simplified method for estimation of floodplains capable to account for the slope of water surface relative to low water is considered. Elevation range is calculated from the stream gauge data, discharge in the closing cross-section of which is close to that of the flooded area opening cross-section. It also contains a technique to calculate flooded areas for floodplain parts with uneven morphology using level curves. A method to calculate flooded area patterns by GIS assumes that the data on flooded area during observation dates is given, along with the data on hydrology and morphometry of the floodplain structure. The comparison of the calculations of the flooded areas of various probability with the data of field observations for the Kondoma floodplain is given on digital maps at scales 1:5000, 1:50000.

[full text]
Keywords: Hydrology, GIS, DEM, flooded area, high water, river gage, river Kondoma

Postnova Irina Svyatoslavovna
Position: Junior Research Scientist
Office: Institute for water and environmental problems SB RAS
Address: 656099, Russia, Barnaul, street. Molodeznaya, 1
Phone Office: (3852) 66 65 01

Yakovtchenko Spartak Gennadievich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Institute for water and environmental problems SB RAS
Address: 656099, Russia, Barnaul, street. Molodeznaya, 1
Phone Office: (3852) 66 65 01

Dmitriev Victor Olegovich
Position: Student
Office: Institute for water and environmental problems SB RAS
Address: 656099, Russia, Barnaul, street. Molodeznaya, 1

Bibliography link:
Postnova I.S., Yakovtchenko S.G., Dmitriev V.O. GIS technology for estimation of low probability flooded areas during spring // Computational technologies. 2005. V. 10. Special issue. Proceedings of the International Conference and the School of Young Scientists “Computational and informational technologies for environmental sciences” (CITES 2005). Tomsk, 13-23 March 2005. Part 2. P. 39-46
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