Article information

2005 , Volume 10, ¹ 5, p.12-18

Andreeva E.M., Muratova G.V.

Multigrid method for the solution of strongly nonsymmetric systems

A multigrid method for solution of the systems of linear algebraic equations with strongly nonsymmetric matrix, which obtained after difference approximation of the convection-diffusion equation with dominant convection, is proposed. Modifications of the multigrid method, which use iterative methods from the class of triangular skew-symmetric methods as the smoothers are provided.

[full text]

Andreeva E.M.
Position: Programmer
Address: 344090, Russia, Rostov-Don
Phone Office: (8632) 97 50 94

Muratova G.V.
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Deputy director
Address: 344090, Russia, Rostov-Don
Phone Office: (863) 297-50-92

Bibliography link:
Andreeva E.M., Muratova G.V. Multigrid method for the solution of strongly nonsymmetric systems // Computational technologies. 2005. V. 10. ¹ 5. P. 12-18
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