Article information

2005 , Volume 10, ¹ 6, p.29-44

Deryabin S.L.

Representation of one-dimension flows of an ideal polytropic gas in the vicinity of the axis or centre of symmetry.

One-dimensional isotropic flows of an ideal polytropic gas that occur as a result of the development of a discontinuity are considered. Solution of the problem was constructed in the special functional space in the form of the converging series up to the moment of the focusing of the surface of a weak discontinuity onto the axis or centre of symmetry. In the physical space, in the vicinity of the centre of symmetry various analytical (exact or asymptotic) representations of the flows adjacent to the region of the gas at rest were constructed.

[full text]

Deryabin Sergey Lvovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Ural state university of railway transport
Address: 620034, Russia, Ekaterinburg, Kolmogorov st., 66
Phone Office: (343)2-21-24-04

Bibliography link:
Deryabin S.L. Representation of one-dimension flows of an ideal polytropic gas in the vicinity of the axis or centre of symmetry. // Computational technologies. 2005. V. 10. ¹ 6. P. 29-44
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