Article information

2006 , Volume 11, ¹ 2, p.15-27

Vshivkov V.A., Snytnikov V.N., Snytnikov N.V.

Simulation of the three-dimensional dynamics of matter in the gravitational field using multiprocessor computers

A numerical model for investigation of the 3D motion of matter in a gravitational field is proposed. The model satisfies all fundamental conservation laws. For acceleration of computations an effective parallel algorithm for use on multiprocessor computers with distributed memory is implemented. The results of the numerical experiments with the initial distribution of matter in the form of a plane disk are presented. These experiments are aimed to define the parameters' values, which lead to the stability of the disk with respect to asymmetrical disturbances directed along the axis of rotation and to the spiral gravity waves.

[full text]

Vshivkov Vitalii Andreevich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Ac. Laverntiev ave., 6
Phone Office: (383) 330 89 94

Snytnikov Valerii Nikolaevich
PhD. , Senior Scientist
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Boreskov Institute of Catalysis of SB RAS
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Ac. Laverntiev ave., 6
Phone Office: (383) 339 73 08

Snytnikov Nikolay Valerievich
Office: Novosibirsk State University
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Ac. Laverntiev ave., 6

Bibliography link:
Vshivkov V.A., Snytnikov V.N., Snytnikov N.V. Simulation of the three-dimensional dynamics of matter in the gravitational field using multiprocessor computers // Computational technologies. 2006. V. 11. ¹ 2. P. 15-27
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