Article information
2006 , Volume 11, Special issue, p.79-86
Toropov P.A.
The hydrologic regime of East European and West Siberian plains in contrasting climatic conditions
This article addressees an estimation of the reaction of the hydrologic regime of the East European and West Siberian plains on the long-term global climatic changes which took place during last 20 000 years. The calculations of the annual runoff were based on results of 16 models of global atmospheric circulation, taking part in the international project PMIP.
[full text] Author(s): Toropov Pavel AlekseevichPhD. Position: Research Scientist Address: Russia, Moscow
E-mail: Bibliography link: Toropov P.A. The hydrologic regime of East European and West Siberian plains in contrasting climatic conditions // Computational technologies. 2006. V. 11. Special issue. P. 79-86