Article information

2006 , Volume 11, Special issue, p.3-15

Gordov E.P., Kabanov M.V., Lykossov V.N.

Information-computational technologies for environmental science: young scientists training

Novel approaches to young scientists training in environmental sciences are described. These approaches have been elaborated and tested during organization and operation of regular international scientific events that combine young scientist schools and specialized scientific conferences. An overview of International Conference on Environmental Observations, Modeling and Information Systems ENVIROMIS-2006 (1-8 of July 2006, Tomsk) is presented as an example of this activity.

[full text]

Gordov Evgeny Petrovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological System SB RAS
Address: 634055, Russia, Tomsk, 10/3, Akademicheski av.
Phone Office: (3822)492187
SPIN-code: 2612-5844

Kabanov M.V.
Correspondent member of RAS, Professor
Position: Director
Address: Russia, Tomsk, Tomsk, 10/3, Akademicheski av.

Lykossov V.N.
Correspondent member of RAS, Professor
Position: General Scientist
Office: Institute of computational mathmatics of RAS
Address: Russia, Moscow, Tomsk, 10/3, Akademicheski av.

Bibliography link:
Gordov E.P., Kabanov M.V., Lykossov V.N. Information-computational technologies for environmental science: young scientists training // Computational technologies. 2006. V. 11. Special issue. P. 3-15
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