Article information

2007 , Volume 12, ¹ 1, p.82-92

Protopopov B.E.

Computation of wave motions of fluid using Euler's equations

A numerical method for computation of strongly non-linear water waves is constructed on the basis of the Euler's equations. In order to test the method and to demonstrate its strength, the problem of stretching of a gravity-free liquid ellipse and the problem on overturning of a smooth bore have been solved numerically. A comparison of numerical results with an exact solution (in the case of the former problem), as well as with the similar results obtained in the frames of potential flow model, makes it possible to conclude that the developed method is highly accurate and capable.

[full text]

Protopopov Boris Egorovich
Position: Research Scientist
Office: Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk
Phone Office: (383) 333 29 36

Bibliography link:
Protopopov B.E. Computation of wave motions of fluid using Euler's equations // Computational technologies. 2007. V. 12. ¹ 1. P. 82-92
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