Instructions for Foreign Authors

The editors draw the attention of authors to changes regarding the format of LaTeX files of manuscripts submitted for publication.

1. An article is to be submitted for publication by a copyright owner. Accompanying letter should contain contact information, namely postal address, phone, and e-mail of the contact person.

We would like to remind authors that publications in the Journal of Computational Technologies are free of charge.

A License Agreement is to be signed by the copyright owner for publication in the electronic form.

2. Papers may be submitted to the editorial office in the form of manuscript files in LaTeX 2ε format and files of the figures.

3. All files should be sent to as a zip-archive.

4. A separate file should contain the following information on each author:

  • First name, second name, last name
  • Affiliation, position
  • Academic degree and title
  • Year of birth
  • Postal address
  • Office and home phone numbers (including area code), e-mail address, homepage URL
  • Scientific interests (brief curriculum vitae)

5. Information about the possible 5-7 reviewers of the article in Russian and English, including the name, patronymic (if available) and surnames, degree (if available), title (if there is), place of work, email address.

Prof. Leonid Â. Chubarov (Managing Editor),
Phone +7(383) 332-18-82,
Galina G. Mitina (Publishing Department Manager),
Phone +7(383) 334-91-23.
Journal of Computational Technologies,
Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies,
Academician Lavrentiev Ave. 6, Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090.

Recommendations on submitting paper in LaTeX

The source file should be submitted in LaTeX 2ε format using jctart19a class file. File encoding should be Windows CP-1251. Please contact the Editorial Office if you have any problems with the article formatting.

The files of appropriate jctart19a class and template file can be downloaded from JCT web site:

The reference list should be arranged according to the citation order in the text and it should be written as follows:

  • for books and collections: surname and initials of the authors, full title of the book (collection), city, publisher, year, total number of pages should be indicated;
  • for journal articles: surname and initials of the authors, full title of the article, full name of the journal, year of publication, volume, journal number, page numbers;
  • references should be given in the original language without abbreviations;
  • for web-materials: the website address (URL) and the date of access should be indicated;

Figures should be provided as separate files in vector (eps, pdf, png) or raster formats with real resolution more or equal of 300 dpi. Details should be clear, considering possible subsequent scaling and editing.

Formulas should be centered. For multi-line formulas, use the gather environment (\begin{gather} … \end{gather}).

When typing characters in text, formulas, tables and figures, note that Latin letters are typed in italics, Russian and Greek – regular, vectors and matrices – bold, Times New Roman font. The decimal separator is the period (3.14).

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